艾西 发表于 2024-6-8 15:38:54


/// Heartbeat for the Worldvoid WorldRunnable::run()
    ///- Init new SQL thread for the world database
    WorldDatabase.ThreadStart();                            // let thread do safe mySQL requests (one connection call enough)    sWorld.InitResultQueue();

    uint32 realCurrTime = 0;
    uint32 realPrevTime = WorldTimer::tick();

    uint32 prevSleepTime = 0;                               // used for balanced full tick time length near WORLD_SLEEP_CONST

    ///- While we have not World::m_stopEvent, update the world
    while (!World::IsStopped())
      realCurrTime = WorldTimer::getMSTime();

      uint32 diff = WorldTimer::tick();

      realPrevTime = realCurrTime;

      // diff (D0) include time of previous sleep (d0) + tick time (t0)
      // we want that next d1 + t1 == WORLD_SLEEP_CONST
      // we can't know next t1 and then can use (t0 + d1) == WORLD_SLEEP_CONST requirement
      // d1 = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST - t0 = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST - (D0 - d0) = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST + d0 - D0
      if (diff <= WORLD_SLEEP_CONST + prevSleepTime)
            prevSleepTime = WORLD_SLEEP_CONST + prevSleepTime - diff;
            prevSleepTime = 0;

#ifdef WIN32
      if (m_ServiceStatus == 0) World::StopNow(SHUTDOWN_EXIT_CODE);
      while (m_ServiceStatus == 2) Sleep(1000);#endif



    MapManager::Instance().UnloadAll();                     // unload all grids (including locked in memory)

    ///- End the database thread
    WorldDatabase.ThreadEnd();                              // free mySQL thread resources
void World::Update(uint32 diff)
    ///- Update the different timers
    for (int i = 0; i < WUPDATE_COUNT; ++i)
      if (m_timers.GetCurrent() >= 0)
    ///- Update the game time and check for shutdown time    _UpdateGameTime();
    ///-Update mass mailer tasks if any    sMassMailMgr.Update();
    /// Handle daily quests reset time
    if (m_gameTime > m_NextDailyQuestReset)
    /// Handle weekly quests reset time
    if (m_gameTime > m_NextWeeklyQuestReset)
    /// Handle monthly quests reset time
    if (m_gameTime > m_NextMonthlyQuestReset)
    /// Handle monthly quests reset time
    if (m_gameTime > m_NextCurrencyReset)
    /// <ul><li> Handle auctions when the timer has passed
    if (m_timers.Passed())
      ///- Update mails (return old mails with item, or delete them)
      //(tested... works on win)
      if (++mail_timer > mail_timer_expires)
            mail_timer = 0;
      ///- Handle expired auctions      sAuctionMgr.Update();

    /// <li> Handle AHBot operations
    if (m_timers.Passed())

    /// <li> Handle session updates    UpdateSessions(diff);

    /// <li> Handle weather updates when the timer has passed
    if (m_timers.Passed())
      ///- Send an update signal to Weather objects
      for (WeatherMap::iterator itr = m_weathers.begin(); itr != m_weathers.end();)
            ///- and remove Weather objects for zones with no player
            // As interval > WorldTick
            if (!itr->second->Update(m_timers.GetInterval()))
                delete itr->second;

    /// <li> Update uptime table
    if (m_timers.Passed())
      uint32 tmpDiff = uint32(m_gameTime - m_startTime);
      uint32 maxClientsNum = GetMaxActiveSessionCount();

      LoginDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE uptime SET uptime = %u, maxplayers = %u WHERE realmid = %u AND starttime = " UI64FMTD, tmpDiff, maxClientsNum, realmID, uint64(m_startTime));

    /// <li> Handle all other objects
    ///- Update objects (maps, transport, creatures,...)    sMapMgr.Update(diff);

    ///- Delete all characters which have been deleted X days before
    if (m_timers.Passed())

    // execute callbacks from sql queries that were queued recently    UpdateResultQueue();

    ///- Erase corpses once every 20 minutes
    if (m_timers.Passed())


    ///- Process Game events when necessary
    if (m_timers.Passed())
      m_timers.Reset();                   // to give time for Update() to be processed
      uint32 nextGameEvent = sGameEventMgr.Update();

    /// </ul>
    ///- Move all creatures with "delayed move" and remove and delete all objects with "delayed remove"    sMapMgr.RemoveAllObjectsInRemoveList();
    // update the instance reset times    sMapPersistentStateMgr.Update();
    // And last, but not least handle the issued cli commands    ProcessCliCommands();
    // cleanup unused GridMap objects as well as VMaps    sTerrainMgr.Update(diff);
void World::UpdateSessions(uint32 diff)
    ///- Add new sessions
    WorldSession* sess;
    while (addSessQueue.next(sess))

    ///- Then send an update signal to remaining ones
    for (SessionMap::iterator itr = m_sessions.begin(), next; itr != m_sessions.end(); itr = next)
      next = itr;
      ///- and remove not active sessions from the list
      WorldSession* pSession = itr->second;
      WorldSessionFilter updater(pSession);

      if (!pSession->Update(updater))
            delete pSession;
其内部结构简单,主要遍历所有会话,移除不活动的会话,并调用每个Session的Update函数,达到更新所有Session的目的,有1000玩家在线就会更新1000个会话,前面提到了Session,每个会话的内部都挂载有一个消息队列,这里队列存储着从客户端发过来的数据包,1000个会话就会有1000个数据包队列,队列是由网络模块收到数据包后,将其挂载到相应Sesson的接收队列中,客户端1发来的数据包被挂载到Session1的队列,客户端2的就挂载到Session2的队列中。mangos的架构中Session不止是收发数据的入口,同样也是处理客户端数据的入口,即处理客户端请求的调度中心。每次Update Session的时候,这个Update 函数的内部会取出队列中所有的请求数据,循环地对每一个数据包调用数据包对应的处理代码,即根据数据包的类型(操作码OpCode)调用相应的函数进行处理,而这些“相应的函数”是Session内部的普通成员函数,以HandleXXXXXX开头,为了便于理解,将Session的Update函数主体核心代码写在这里:
bool WorldSession::Update(PacketFilter& updater)
    ///- Retrieve packets from the receive queue and call the appropriate handlers
    /// not process packets if socket already closed
    WorldPacket* packet = NULL;
    while (m_Socket && !m_Socket->IsClosed() && _recvQueue.next(packet, updater))
      OpcodeHandler const& opHandle = opcodeTable;
      ExecuteOpcode(opHandle, packet);

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查看完整版本: wow魔兽世界服务端主体结构